Monday, November 23, 2009

Moving Forward

Working through all the emotions and logistics of moving forward from this place and this time...

All good things await! and I am Grateful for what the universe send to me!

Peace and Love,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mike's birthday is today!

I haven't seen my brother Mike since March 1st of 2007, but here is a picture of him wearing the birthday hat i gave him for his birthday in 2005! I hope he had a happy birthday today!

until next time

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Did you ever suddenly realize that you have been making something way more difficult that it had to be? Well that just happened to me - in a big way! I tend to be a perfectionist and always try to do the best job I can with anything I do, BUT I get carried away! I just realized today that I can do a great job without making it a bigger job that it needs to be - I can spend one fourth the amount of time and still be proud of my results! I don't have to include every single possible detail out there to feel that I have done a thorough and complete job! Yes, you can always do more, but only do that if it feels right, not because you are being compulsive! This has been a great lesson and I feel soooo good and liberated! Hurray!

Peace and Love,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Agente's Paintings!

Click on the post title and be taken to a slideshow of Agente's paintings!
Very cool indeedy -

First, an early work, a linoleum cut print from the middle school years!

one of my personal favorites!
We are the proud owners of it too -


Monday, May 11, 2009

Psychic Reading - Part 2

So, I didn't really go into much detail about my psychic reading that was given to me as a gift!!!! There were a couple of important things that she brought up in the reading -

The unifying thread that tied it all together was the presence of water, the sea actually, and a strong image of me in the water and swimming! This was pretty amazing as the Psychic had no idea where i live or that swimming has been a central aspect to my life for the last couple of years! (actually, a lifelong draw to the sea, but the last two plus years, I have been living with the sea all around me and lots of swimming!)

Then she also said more than once that she saw me writing and did i have plans to write? Well, interestingly enough, I do have plans to write and she is the third psychic in the past 5 years to tell me that! The first was a palmist, the second a shaman and now, her! So, to me, this is a clear message/validation that I am to write and the time is now!!!!

Those are the things that I want to share at the moment -

And tomorrow I begin my new writing project! I hope to be up with the sun and write in the early, early hours of the day, while the house and the world are quiet -

until next time,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I can't wait to go back to Portland, Oregon

This is a great article that portrays Portland as the wonderful place it is! Although, I haven't even begun to discover Portland after only two visits for a total of 9 days!!!!! But I will return, there is no doubt about that -

until next time,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

Well, i wanted to take a picture of my mother today and post it here! we spent a great afternoon together and she looked so relaxed and was wearing her new batik blouse and it would have been great, but alas, she declined and so there is no picture of her to post! (i'll try again tomorrow since tomorrow is Mother's Day!)

The thing is, I am very grateful that my mom is still here on earth at almost 86 and doing great and that I can spend time with her like we did today! so Happy Mother's day Mom!

I love you -


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Dustin!!!

My birthday wish for Dustin, who was born thirty five years ago today, is that he stays healthy, prospers and continues to love life, this day and always!

I love you Dustin!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where'd the wind go?

It is suddenly summer and hot and the breeze is gone and the rains have come and i need a place to go for the next five months because I am already tooooooooo hot and can't face the new season! Somebody Help me ------


Thursday, April 30, 2009

This Breath


It works!
All I can say, is I am sooooo Grateful to the Creator of
This Breath!

Peace & Love, Heather

Psychic Reading -

Well, I had my long awaited, birthday Psychic Reading yesterday by telephone with a woman in London who uses Tarot cards as a tool with her readings. It was lots of fun and very interesting! She seemed to be completely in touch with who I am and what types of individuals my husband and children are - which really wasn't new information for me, but it showed that she was definitely tapping into some form of psychic communication! So it was a very positive experience...

Then why am I totally depressed today? I have no idea!

Darrin and our friend completed the move out of the Center last evening so except for turning in my keys and making some arrangements for paying the balance of money that I now owe my landlord, I am finished there! I am continuing to work with some of my clients, but not all! I will have to call the ones who never actually got started with me and tell them that I can only offer the lending library service and some other printed packets that I will put together for resources and that is all! The psychic told me that if I am not careful, I will gradually allow myself to get back up to the same amount of work as before and, for now, that wouldn't be good for me - so closing the Center is actually a good thing at this point!

I haven't done much this week and I don't have any new photos to post, but I have chosen this one from a recent group of pics of Darrin's sand castles for your viewing pleasure!

until next time -

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wonderful Day!

Today was such a wonderful day! I woke up feeling really good and rested and got up early for a change! We had a delicious brunch and then went to the beach and stayed until sunset - then Darrin made us dinner and we just finished watching the video Slumdog Millionaire - Sounds like a simple routine day, but it felt really special to me!

good night now,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Running on the Beach

Darrin is running with Nikala on the Beach! We had such a nice time today with Nikala and her mom and dad! Nikala is a sweetheart and a very active toddler! She also has Down's Syndrome - David Carr, another friend of Nikala's is running in the London Marathon this Sunday, April 26th, trying to raise money for the Down's Syndrome Association! You can read more about the DSA on his webpage by just clicking on my post title! Good Luck David!

until next time -

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Say Hello and Goodbye!

Say hello and goodbye! Here are some photos of the Childbirth Resource Center of Grenada - my baby! But even though the program has been hugely successful since its opening on August 8th, 2008 (a very auspicious day!) there has been a lack of funding and I have closed the doors and will be moving out of the space this weekend!

click on post title to be taken to center "cause" web page where you can read more about the program and make a tax deductible donation if you like to help keep the work going and perhaps enable the program to be able to move back into a physical location! Thank you in advance!

More about the program in a later post -

until then,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Scribbling Is Fun

I have had tons of fun on the scribbler site! (click on post title) I wish I could figure out how to publish one or two of my scribbles that i love, but I can't figure it out as yet -

Other than that, I am working on ways to bring in a little extra income! Thinking cap on - open to the Universe! Ready to go, but in the meantime, I don't mind if is spend a few minutes scribbling - really can be fun!

until next time,

I am Grateful

You might notice that I am enjoying images of trees! I like other images as well, but I find this one to be one that can be used for contemplation and meditation so I decided to share it with you!

Today's title links you to a wonderful site where anyone can sign up and begin a journal of personal gratitudes and also enjoy the sharing of others' entries! I forget to use it as regularly as I would like to, but thinking about it today may help me get into the rhythm of daily entries!

Since my blogging was interrupted by a two year space, and Facebook has become a big part of my internet experience, I realize that my blog posts resemble status updates more than real entries so I am having to adjust my ways of expressing my thoughts and really writing again, which I gratefully embrace!!!!!


to make it easier to get to this wonderful site, I am also putting the web address here -

Heather & Jo

Heather & Jo
Originally uploaded by Heather Struckman
This picture is from a recent visit when Jo was here from London! We spoke Sunday via SKYPE, computer to computer which was fantastic and free!
Oh, more often than not, I make my post titles links to something related to that post that is either fun or useful - so click on the title of this post and go straight to SKYPE and sign up if you aren't already a user! It is a great service and I am not officially advertising, just a happy customer!

until next time -

Monday, April 20, 2009

Reading All Day!

I am so excited! Today, for the first time in weeks, I was in the mood to read! Lately I have just been too distracted or stressed or not feeling up to reading, but I am back at it! I started, The House of Sprits, by Isabel Allende - and I love it! In fact, I couldn't put it down and since Darrin is totally immersed in the book he is reading, we just laid around and read all day and evening - total bliss!

So anyway, click on the title of this post and hopefully, it will take you to Goodreads which is a cool site where you can enter your books and review them and rate them and see what your friends are reading and get ideas and recommend your favorites, etc -

until next time,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pee Dreams

So did you ever have to pee in the night? Well, last night was one of those nights - i dreamt i was nonchalantly headed for the bathroom, nothing unusual. When after reaching a few dead ends, i found myself wandering around an apocalyptic landscape desperately searching for a bathroom! There was none to be found - but i did notice a small trailer like, stationary vehicle thingy that really looked like an old ice cream truck only in sparkling new condition! i ventured toward it and noticed it had a "For Sale" sign on it - $2.00! I was very excited by this since it seemed I had no home or anybody familiar nearby, simply a young child around 7 or 8 years old kind of tagging along beside me. When I noticed the child, I also noticed I was carrying a small tin beach type pail that had, get this, a little hog's head simmering in gravy! yuk (and I am a newbie/almost vegetarian) - and a single brown bean pod of sorts. I had apparently paid 55 cents for the two items and was going to be hard put to find the $2.00 necessary to buy the truck! Anyway, I opened the door of this strange vehicle and inside, it was outfitted with bathroom fixtures! A sink, a shower and a rather peculiar toilet! I opened the lid of the seat and underneath there was no opening just a bench - imagine my surprise - well not really! In one of these type dreams, one should actually expect to find a toilet that has no bowl! So, feeling somewhat urgent now, I decided to fashion my own toilet out of a bucket, lined with all sorts of plastic bags and a shower cap and cushioning around the rim - very suitable, I must say - I settle down on this homemade receptacle and begin to relieve myself - oops! I wake up and feel around the mattress! Thank God - nothing! and schlepp off to the "real" bathroom. 

Boy would I love to sleep through the night occasionally - like a baby! Only sans the nappy, of course -

Until later,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Original Daily Diary Blog

I found my first blog online - I can't access it to post to it, but my early entries from 2006 and January, 2007 or there - you can click on the title of this post and go to the original blog, when you are finished there, i believe you have to hit the back button to return to this blog -  i think!


Temporary fix!

Okay, for now, you can click on the title of this entry and you will be taken to my somewhat limited flickr slideshow! Well, it's a start - and the slideshow running on the blog itself is from the stock photos offered by the blogger service! It will have to do until I get this figured out!


This is a test

I am testing my ability to post directly to my blog by email! Let's see if it works -

Peace and Love,

Lazy day in Paradise

Finally starting to feel human again! AND the car is repaired, or so we trust! The mechanic made his house call, did the repairs, bankrupted us (only because we are broke, his rates were fair!) and tomorrow, we will test it and go to the grocery store and perhaps the beach-

Sent in my 140 character plea for the 100K donation from actor Hugh Jackman to continue working with pregnant women here in Grenada! It would be so cool if he picked my charity - Anyway, asking for the money required me to sign up for Twitter, which I mentioned yesterday! I am not really sure how it works or even if I sent my request for the donation to the correct place - it is very confusing to me how Twitter works! All I know is that I now have people who I don't know "following" me! How does that happen?

later -

Friday, April 17, 2009

No Biggy

I joined Twitter today! and that's about it ---- click on the title of this post and it will take you to my Twitter page! oooooh, I think I am getting the hank of this -


Where's my slideshow?

I have just spent many hours uploading pictures to flickr and then trying to configure my slideshow to the blog and it says it has done this successfully, but there is a blank spot where the slideshow should be - i am just a bit frustrated with this - and i think i need professional help!

ideas welcome!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Down with the Dengue -

Could be that i don't have the flu, but could have Dengue Fever! Whatever it is, i hope it goes away soon - - - although "hanging" out in the hammock with Tucker isn't a bad way to spend 5 days!

Getting better -

Back to Blogging

Well, this is my first blog entry since January of 2007 in my old Blog entitled, Heather's Daily Diary! But since I can't seem to figure out how to access that original blog, I am starting this new one - 

Wondering if I really have anything to say - - -  nope, my mind's a blank!

See you soon!